Using Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression

Lately, there is a lot of talk about AI taking over the jobs of humans. People fear that generative AI is capable of replacing human creativity altogether. But some believe that it is more about using generative AI to enhance artistic expression.

While artificial intelligence isn’t something new, it mostly focused on improving technical processes in the past. Such as medical device automation, better data analytics and others. 

However, development in generative AI, a part of artificial intelligence, has enabled the technology to impact the creative field as well. The question is: has generative AI become a threat for human artists? Or, is it just assisting those who want to explore diverse aspects of creativity, beyond their imagination?

So, let’s find out if this technology is a threat or just a helping hand. And how can one utilise generative AI to enhance artists expression. 

Generative AI – A Helping Hand or a Threat? 

Using Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression
Using Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression, copyright

Keeping aesthetics aside, the burning topic of discussion among artists is the threat of losing their jobs. It is likely that machine learning algorithms will become more proficient at tasks with time. And these might become capable of replacing human efforts. 

If that happens, businesses might choose to cut costs and save time by employing AI instead of humans for their creativity. 

But didn’t the same dilemma surface when the computer was invented? Instead of replacing humans from jobs, it helped them become more accurate and competent. However, it did replace humans for those who knew how to work with computers. 

The same we can expect with these intelligent algorithms too. Hence, it’s good to start getting to know this new technology better. And learn how to use generative AI to enhance artistic expression,   

Creative Uses of Generative AI

Generative AI applications to enhance artistic expression
Using Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression, copyright

When it comes to artistic expression, humans have always been on a hunt to explore better tools to manifest their creativity. From cave walls drawings, created using hands and rudimentary tools to paint brushes to digital art. We have been exploiting every help available for projecting our thoughts with as little effort required as possible.

Isn’t generative AI just another tool in our checklists of developments? So, embrace technology with an open mind and let’s explore the possibilities together. 

Generative AI for Creative Writing

Here are a few creative writing formats that you can accomplish with less effort using generative AI. 

Poems and Novels

Not just blogs or articles, AI text generators can help users write scripts, poems and more. 

Thanks to the Natural language generation (NLG) technique that predicts outputs in human-like responses. Thus, enabling the technology to go beyond the typical fact checks and write poems and work of literature. 

NLG feeds on the existing work while creating unique plots, poems, characters and a lot other creative formats imitating the original styles.

Apart from these, users can also generate creative style writings such as ad copy, product descriptions and more. 


Businesses have been utilising chatbots as virtual assistants to solve customers’ problems in real time. However, with the advent of machine learning algorithms, it is now possible to automate the job without losing the human touch.

People have been utilising chatbots for many purposes. One such application is the use of chatbots in museums, exhibitions and galleries. Chatbots in these setups provide answers to visitors about artists and exhibits. Thus, offering an interactive experience. 

In addition, these chatbots work as virtual assistants for businesses in the marketing industry. From creating copy to managing social media accounts, these tools can even handle customer queries.

Today, businesses rely on deep learning algorithms to train their applications for enhancing performance. 

Sentiment and Text Classification

To respond in human language, it is crucial to decrypt text sentiments. For the same reason, generative AI is trained to understand the emotions of the input text to reply accordingly. 

It is possible to train neural networks to identify if the input is positive, negative, or neutral in tone. On the other hand, text classification helps users categorise texts into individual topics. 

Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression – Creative Writing 

It is not rocket science. All you need is the right prompts to generate desired output from tools such as ChatGPT. Try to provide precise and detailed instruction.

Make sure to include references, examples for the AI tools to work as intended.

Generative AI for Images and Videos

Not just texts, but generative AI is useful in creating images and videos. A more complex format of artistic expression. 

The best part is, one can input static as well as real-time data for the AI tools to generate unique output. For instance, Pulse Room by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer creates a unique light display for participants by learning their heartbeats. Processes like image synthesis are becoming usual chores.

That said, let’s find out how you can utilise generative AI to enhance artistic expression of art and design.

Style transfer

As the name suggests, the technique involves applying the style of one visual to another.

Style transfer enables artists to identify the characteristic features of one or more images to create a unique output replicating the similar styles. 

For instance, the neural network uses two images. One as the content image and the other as the style image. Eventually, creating a unique image by applying the features from the style image to the content image.

Image Translation

Have you tried apps that use your picture to turn you into various avatars? One of the most popular examples of this is the Lensa AI

So, how does that happen? Well, the technology is called Image-to-image translation. A generative AI technique that translates an input image from one domain to another. 

Data augmentation

A technique to transform the artistic input by increasing the training dataset by modifying copies of an existing training dataset. In short, the process generates new inputs to train the neural network. This eventually improves the outputs. 

Hence, data augmentation is helpful in enhancing the accuracy of the AI tools for better results. 

By using various forms of transformations such as reflections, rotations, and brightness the network creates a robust set of artistic inputs. These resulting images are then used for training the neural network. 

Eventually, assisting artists to create enhanced outputs with improved features. 

Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression – Images and Videos

When using AI tools, never forget to experiment a lot. Try iterating with various input sets and styles. This would offer you a broader outlook and a variety of choices to generate new artistic materials.  

Generative AI for Music

Are you a musician? If yes, you must read this!

Generative AI has leaped forward to help musicians create new music. Neural networks use existing music and learn patterns to generate new musical styles. 

Thus, offering a hand to expedite the process of music creation that is fresh and unique.  

Music Composition

Generative AI algorithms can create music in real-time. Endel is one such app that generates music based on the user’s preferences.

There are different types of algorithms for music composition. These vary in terms of varying sets of strengths and weaknesses. 

While some algorithms work on rules or patterns, the others learn from existing styles.

Music Style Transfer

Similar to image style transfer, artists can utilise nuances of music compositions to create new ones. One can develop new and unique music and can also remix existing tracks.

Using the generative AI, one can train a neural network to transform classical music to electronic style. 

Sound Effects

Generating sound effects has taken the front seat when it comes to application within the movies and gaming industry. Using the training data set, the algorithms are trained to compose new sound effects and ambiences. 

Thus, allowing users to create enhanced and unique sound effects, for various use cases. Such as video games, films and more. 

Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression – Sound Effects

Using the generative AI as a tool, one can manifest their imagination into sound and music. Thus, unlocking wider creative potential. Whether a new composition or an immersive style, a blend of various forms, the technology opens myriads of possibilities. 

Keep experimenting with various style forms to create a larger dataset for training.  

Understanding the Human-Level Difference

humans vs generative AI
Using Generative AI to Enhance Artistic Expression, copyright

Not one, but there are various differences between the working of humans and generative AI.

Creative Landscape

Humans learn from their experiences, knowledge, thoughts, their unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. The creativity for each of us is deeply rooted to our being. Involving cognitive, social and emotional overlaps to provide us the skill we own.

However, generative AI’s creativity is based on existing datasets and algorithms that help the technology to perform. Although the responses are exemplary, these are still restricted to the training input.

Purpose Behind Creativity

Humans have a goal in mind when using their creativity. Thus making the entire process completely intentional. 

On the other hand, generative AI does not understand the purpose behind its responses. The results could be unique and impressive, but these aren’t driven by the precise intentions that shape the broader picture. 


Like a purpose, humans create things with emotions. For instance, a painter creates the artwork by taking inspiration from experiences and feelings. This allows the artists to bring out the connection with the real world through their creative expression.

In contrast, generative AI might excel at mimicking emotions for producing responses, it lacks the intrinsic feelings.


Humans have the innate understanding of social and cultural awareness. Thus, it allows them to generate content by weighing its ethical impacts on various aspects of life.  

Unfortunately, generative AI does not work that way. With no inherent understanding of ethical guidelines, it can only consider the ones fed to its algorithm. 

Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of others to ensure the technology is used in ethical ways.  


Automation has always been the key to development. And, generative AI allows us to expedite the most complex jobs of all, the creative processes. 

It helps us to generate ideas, get inspiration and create works that are unique and desirable. 

Although we are still figuring out the true potential of the technology, it’s not a  bad time to use generative AI to enhance artistic expression. So, go ahead and see how it can change the way you work.